Simply put, make a plan for how YOU will take action toward reconciliation. Whatever actions might be right for you, write them down and make time so they happen. A Reconciliation Action Plan is one of the most clear signals that an individual or organization is committed to advancing reconciliation.
Once you’ve made a plan that resonates for you, build in accountability checks to keep you on track. Share your plan and progress publicly, or pick actions that can be done with others to help build accountability, shared learning, and shared experiences.
Remember that reconciliation is a journey, not a destination.
The important part is not that you take the “right steps” every time, but rather than you take A step, some of the time. Like any mindset or habit, choose some early actions that you know you can do so that you see some progress. Then continue to challenge yourself to increase your knowledge, build and strengthen relationships, and show leadership to others who are at a different place on their reconciliation journey.
Know better, and do better, to help make better communities for us all.